- Learning to be in the moment, so that we don't forget what is really important.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Pronunciation: \ˈhōp\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): hoped; hop·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hopian; akin to Middle High German hoffen to hope
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb 1 : to cherish a desire with anticipation <hopes for a promotion>
2 archaic : trusttransitive verb 1 : to desire with expectation of obtainment
2 : to expect with confidence : trust
We have been without a car for nearly 6 months now. Six looooooong months. We have hated it, cursed wildly about it, and even laughed about it. Things could always be worse, we say. Times are tough, things are rough, and we are trudging along and doing the very best we can.
My children – ahhhhh…..my girls. Can I just say how awesome they are? Well, they are. Not only are they smart, funny, and totally gorgeous, but they are very, very patient and understanding. They have not once complained about our lack of transportation and being stuck at home most of the time. They have been beyond wonderful. I seriously owe them – big time.
On Friday I got a call from my dad. He said he had found a great car for us, was there with it, and wanted to know what I thought. Um. What?!?! All I heard was something about birthday, Christmas, birthday……etc., etc. I think I had momentarily stopped breathing and forgot where I was. Did I just hear the word CAR? A car?! Us??
I ran in to go talk to Alex for a minute, though he was on the phone. I’m not sure he could figure out what the look on my face was all about. He said I looked upset, but I was already crying like a baby and couldn’t quite talk. I finally got him off the phone and explained that I was not upset. :)
After I talked to Alex, I called my dad back. He was telling me that he had been looking at cars for us for a while now. *Sigh* You know, it’s one thing to be alone on an island and trying to find your way off. It’s another thing when someone throws you a lifeline. This was a lifeline.
Alex and I (along with thousands of other people) are trying to get out of this hole we are in. It is not something we did on purpose, it is not something we caused, we are just one of the families affected by this crappy economy and changes in business. But, like a vicious circle, we could not get a car without money, and for Alex to go get a second job anywhere at all requires a car. No car, no money, no money, no car. No sanity!!!!
And then my parents called. :) They are driving down in a few weeks in a shiny 2005 Kia Sedona which will be lovingly placed into our care. It is silver – of course!
After I got off the phone with my dad and got some pictures, I went to tell the girls. I left the picture up on my computer and sniffled my way to their room. I was still sobbing like a baby. I opened their door and attempted to tell them, but had to bring them into my office to show them the picture. I got out a few words, and pointed to the screen. Hannah put her face in her hands and started crying. Kali jumped up and down like it was Christmas morning. I cried more.
I showed them the pictures and then they left for a few minutes. When they got back, they told me they had named the car. We have named all of our cars. There was Big Bessie, Little Bessie, and Jack (Mary has Jack). So I was curious as to what this cars’ name would be. My girls – my fabulous, patient girls named the car…………HOPE. OMG. I cried again. Hope. How fitting.
Here is Hope:
This is what I found on the white board in the school room this morning:
Yeah. They are so dang excited. The girls are telling us everywhere they want to go. The list is growing by the minute. I will just be happy to not feel like we are stuck here. As for Alex, we have now sent out many, many, many resumes all over the place. Knowing that we can widen our search makes things more hopeful. Hope. Things will turn around. Things are going to get better. My friends have been fantastic – coming here, driving me around, taking me wherever I need to go, and listening to me complain. Thank you, all. I would have completely lost what was left of my mind if y’all had not come to rescue me!
This gift that is arriving is beyond anything I would ever expect. I am still speechless, stunned, and teary-eyed. I am not sure they know how much this means to us, and there are no words to express every dang emotion that runs through me at this point. So I simply have this – mom & dad, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We love you, and not because you are driving down a really cute and awesome van for us. Because you are driving down Hope. ♥
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Kali is 7!
My baby is seven!!! Wednesday was Kali’s birthday. I cannot believe it has been seven years already since I first held her in my arms. *sigh*
My silly baby girl. She looks exactly like daddy in this picture. She totally stole my heart when she was born and she still has it. I used to wake her up from her naps because I thought she slept too long. I held her all the time, carried her everywhere, and made all her diaper covers. Hannah was upset that she was too little to play for the longest time. Mary was just upset that I never put her down. I never put any of my kids down; they have enough time in their lives for that. I think I put Hannah down once she started walking. ;)
It’s crazy looking at both of these pictures. Wow.
Mary was able to come for a few days so she could be here for her birthday. :)
Happy Birthday!!
Cinnamon rolls before they were iced. Mmmmmmmmmm.
I like putting up the most unflattering pictures I can find of my children!!
Reading the card from Hannah.
See, more unflattering pictures!
Opening her gift from Mary.
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This may be the most unflattering one!
Gifts from Grandma and Grandpa!
They were really yummy.
Especially with ice cream.
Oh my. What’s up with these kids?!
Doing puzzles with Mary.
Ahhhh……Happy Birthday to my baby. You are, like your sisters, totally awesome. Before I know it, you will be going off to college, too, and I……well, I will totally fall apart once again.
Monday, May 3, 2010
What a fun weekend!
Jenine, Eugene, and the kids came over on Saturday. The kids had no clue they were coming, either. They thought they had just left Disney and were on their way home. Jenine pretended to be lost and ended up in our driveway. Fun!
The kids were all happy to see each other again, and I was just happy to see everyone. Jenine surprised me with a waffle maker. :) I think Hannah wanted me to make waffles for her right then and there. She had to wait because I had other food simmering in the kitchen.
I half baked some pizza crusts so the kids could make their own pizzas. I had a bunch of veggies, turkey sausage, and turkey pepperoni for them. I made a big pot of chili and some cornbread for us old folk.
Here’s a bunch of pictures for you…….
Hannah and Ally making pizza
She is so darn cute. I just want to squeeze her!
Eating and playing. Kids are good multi-taskers, aren’t they?! ;)
This is where we saw Brandon for most of the night. He’s a video game junkie. He was totally mesmerized, too. I think the circus could have come walking through my living room and he wouldn’t have noticed at all. I tried to get him to stay here with us, but he turned me down.
We had an early birthday celebration for Kali. They brought her her absolute favorite things – Littlest Pet Shop stuff. :) Hey, look what’s on the menu for dinner!
Ally kept trying to hide from me when I was taking pictures. I had to get creative and sneak up on her. She won in this picture!
It was my plan all along…….we stayed up so late talking, laughing, and watching the kids play, that it was too late for them to get back on the road. Oh darn. ;) So when we finally peeled everyone off of the Wii, we all finally went to sleep!
Got up early the next morning, and Alex made omelets for everyone. He is the omelet king. Mine end up like scrambled eggs with stuff in them.
I hated to see them leave, but they had to get home! (Did they really? I think they should have just stayed and moved to Florida.) They loaded up the car, everyone said goodbye (Kali was crying), gave big hugs, and off they went. :(
Jenine and her family are as wonderful in person as I knew they would be. I am thrilled that after 8 years, we finally got to meet, I’m glad we had lots of time to spend together, and I am happy and thankful to call her my friend. I hope we get another chance to see each other and I hope it doesn’t take 8 more years!
Um, Jenine, where is my cart??? I seem to be missing some kitchen items! I sure could use my cast iron skillet, too. ;)