I got a call Friday morning around 8:00 from a mom of one of Mary’s friends. They have a time-share for that weekend that they couldn’t use and wanted to know if we wanted it. In Orlando. Right by Epcot. OMG.
I had to turn her down. We have no car, funds are skinnier than Alex, etc., etc. I hung up with her and Alex looked at me and said “call her back.” So I did.
I woke up the kids and told them we were headed out for the weekend! They were beyond thrilled. I found a reasonable rental, packed up our stuff, got a bunch of food together, picked up the rental with Alex, and headed out the door.
This was going to be a girls’ weekend; poor Alex had to stay here and work. :(
First we stopped off at the post office to mail out our boxes of pillowcases for the Disney Give a Day, Get a Day program. Then we stopped at Super Target to pick up some food we needed that I didn’t have…..something for breakfast, hotdog buns, bread (yes, I was out and had not made any Thursday night), and cheese (that I had and forgot to bring.)
Then we made it to where her timeshare is. Um. OMG. We were staying at the Bonnet Creek resort in a 2 bedroom condo. That place is gorgeous.
We checked in, had our bags brought over to where our room was, and got to our room.
I looked out the window and saw…….Epcot! I nearly fainted. Y’all need to know what a Disney freak I am and then you’ll know why I was so giddy! The girls couldn’t believe they could see Epcot – and Downtown Disney!

It was raining and already 5:30, so we unpacked and I started dinner. Hotdogs. Hey, that’s as exciting as my cooking was going to get; after all, I was on vacation!
The girls wanted to move in. Hannah thought that their juice should be in wine glasses. I agreed. :)
Yes, there are two bottles of mustard on the table. The smaller bottle actually had ketchup in it. :)
I had to go check the view….yep, still there!
It was still pouring after dinner, so I figured I’d give Kali a bath and send Hannah into the shower. They both ended up in my bathroom – Hannah for the big shower, and Kali for the jacuzzi tub. Smart kids.
I got done doing their hair, they got jammies on, and we went and sat on the balcony so we could watch Epcot’s fireworks.
After the girls went to bed, I got in that jacuzzi tub. :) Too bad I couldn’t bring that home!
I woke up early the next morning and did something I never, ever do. I had coffee *before* I took my shower. Gasp! Seriously. It was really nice to hang out in my jammies, have some coffee, and stare at the great view. I think I need to start doing that once a week.
The girls got up, we had some breakfast, and decided to go check out the resort.
I was chasing them and trying to get some pictures. They hid behind the bathroom door. Boogers.
How did she get so dang cute?!?!?
While Hannah was getting dressed, I told Kali to show me how much fun she was having so far.
The pool by our building was really cool! Well, warm since it was heated. :)
But it was still chilly outside; we all had our jackets on.
There was a lazy river around the pool, too.
Hannah picked up Kali so she could see something.

Then we went for a walk to the activity center.

Free mini-golf!!
There was massive cheating and bad sportsmanship going on. :) It was great!
And what a view, too!
We went back to the room, had lunch, and decided to go swimming.
Love how you can just walk in to this pool.
After going around the lazy river a million times, I got out and dried off. The girls decided to go back in, but after Kali felt the blast of air hit her, she decided she was freezing (she was yelling “cold, cold, cold” here) and they got out.
Hannah thought it was pretty funny.
We went back, got dressed, and went to Downtown Disney. By the ESPN store there was a guy showing how baseballs are made.
We went to the toy store where the girls were making potato head faces.
And then off to the candy store.
Candy is gooooooood. The girls have to buy their own stuff if they want it. Keeps them from begging me and makes them appreciate it more when it’s their money they’re spending.
Coffee is a wonderful thing!

The resort has a “Flick on the Field” on Saturday nights. I got roped in to going to the movie and was not looking forward to freezing on the lawn. Much to my relief, they had moved the movie inside. Oh yeah! Monsters vs. Aliens; the girls were happy because they had not seen that one yet. Free movie and free popcorn. Score!

We got back, and it was time for them to go to bed. I packed up as much as I could and went to bed myself. I did not want to leave. Ever.

The girls did not want to get up. It was daylight savings time and we had lost an hour! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I realized that the blanket was nice and heavy. Kali really like it and it helped her sleep really well. I’ve often thought about getting her a heavier blanket and now I think I should. Kids like Kali do well with heavy blankets. :)

We checked out and headed back to Downtown Disney. The girls insisted.

They wanted to run around the open field by La Nouba.

Beautiful balloon, but I still don’t want to go up in it!

My princesses.

Hannah kept putting hats on Kali.

It’s the ‘deer in the headlights’ look!

Hey Genie!

See my girls and their fudge? See the Candy Cauldron sign in the background? :) Kali had just enough money left for fudge. Hannah still has plenty of money. :) I let them eat fudge before lunch. I’m going to lose my “good food making mom” license. lol

And then it was time to go home.

We had an absolutely wonderful weekend. I am so grateful that we were able to do this and thankful to Sandy for letting us use her timeshare weekend. The girls have mailed off Thank You notes and pictures to her this morning. Girls’ weekend was a hit. I had a great time hanging out with Hannah and Kali. They said their favorite thing that weekend was………everything.
And to top that off just a bit, right before we left on Friday, I got a call from the St. Pete Times. Kali and I had dropped off an entry form for a Disney contest they had. We won 2 tickets to Disney! I was waiting for Publisher’s Clearing House to show up next! We should have those tickets just as soon as we fill out some paperwork and send it back.