Thursday, March 5, 2009

They grow like weeds.......

Sure, kids grow fast. Really, they do. And then there's Hannah, who seems to grow at warp speeds. I think she grows while I stare at her. I needed to measure the girls this morning since it's about that time for me to sew something for them. (Oh and how I've heard about it, too, from Kali; she's not happy that I haven't been crankin' out stuff for her). My "little" 8 year old is not-so-little. Here are her measurements: 28-26-33 and she's now 4'11". I'm not lying. Really. Now, I could say some freaky stuff is making her grow, but when your daddy is 6'8", you probably only have him to blame. ;) Kali, on the other hand, is still my petite little thing, despite being 11 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. She's 4'1" with 21.5-21-24" measurements. Skinny little thing - just like her daddy.

Here she is in all her posing-for-the-camera glory. She can wear her hair down now and is thrilled about it. For those of you that don't have girls with uber-curly hair and are not hair-impaired like I am, this is a big deal.

Look, Hannah can fly! :)

BBQ Sauce, anyone? It was oh-so yummy on our chicken the other day. The rest is chillin' in the fridge.

Last night's dinner. It was so good! Kali kept asking for more broccoli.

Okay, time for me to stick some knowledge in their heads this morning. They should know more than me by the end of the day.

1 comment:

Nessa said...

Kali looks so sweet! I love the looks of that bbq sauce - can't wait to try the recipe! Gotta get that stir fry recipe from ya one day, that looked good too. :o)